Session Times & Fees
Morning Session
9 am to 12 noon - £15.00
Lunch Club
12 noon to 12.45 pm - £3.75
12.45 to 3.30 pm - £13.75
Full Day *
9 am to 3.30 pm - £32.50​
*Please note that Pre-school closes at 12.45 on a Friday.
Fees are charged half termly at the start of each half term.
We accept most childcare voucher schemes and we also accept Tax free childcare payments.
All children are entitled to funding from the full term after their 3rd Birthday
(full terms start on the 1st of September, 1st January & 1st April).
Please remember to check if you may be eligible for
2 year funding or 30 hour funding by visiting the website.
Please also see our Funding information section of the website for more information.
We take children from 2 years 6 months and you can register your child from birth.
Bank Account Information
If you wish to pay your fees, or voluntary snack donation by bank transfer,
our account details are:
Little Fishes Pre-School (Brackley)
Account: 75048868
Sort Code: 30 91 92 ​